Beautiful Awakenings Massage is proud to use the highest quality wax. We also customize our service to your individual needs by offering three types of wax, ensuring that even the finest hair (and sensitive skin types) to the coarsest hair can be removed.

  • Please Note: Hair must be 1/4 inch (the length of a pencil eraser) or longer to be waxed.

  • Excessively long hair tends to be more painful when waxed because the wax pulls the hair. Please trim hair longer than 3" prior to your appointment.

  • Please inform your aesthetician if you are taking any medications. Clients taking Retin-A, Accutane, Tazorac cream, any oral cyclen medications, Metro Gel, Diffren Gel or any skin-thinning medications may not be waxed due to skin sensitivity.

Currently Only Available as an add on to full services

See Vagaro for pricing